Policy analysis, communications, and electoral power are crucial pillars that must intersect to influence policymaking that can create structural changes, inclusion, and equity-based impacts. The Center focuses on strengthening collaborations and increasing our capacity to promote, conduct, and frame our issues and policy priorities through these three central pillars.
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- Provide forums and trainings for policy discussions, ideas, and strategies that increase and strengthen Latino applied research, communications, and organizing capacity to influence policymaking.
- Conduct applied research that informs policy discussion and decisions relevant to Latino concerns.
- Collaborate with community organizations and activists through data, analysis, and expert support.
- Engage policymakers at multiple governmental and private sector levels by giving voice to Latino-based applied research results in policy deliberations.
- Engage with community networks and multi-media sources with culturally based language and messages that inform and educate the Latino community’s understanding of public policymaking and its effects on their bienestar
- Utilize strategic communications that advance Latino stories, experiences, conditions, and perspectives by developing narrative frames that nurture our community and influence policy.
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